A Long Wait Over (fm:slut wife, 2721 words) | |||
Author: hhot | |||
Added: Jun 28 2005 | Views / Reads: 4724 / 2492 [53%] | Story vote: 7.64 (11 votes) | |
Wife meets old boyfriend after many years and fucks him while husband watches. | |||
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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\qc\f0\fs24\par \f1 A Long Wait Over\par \par \pard\par It started with a common fantasy. Neither of us had envisioned it actually going this far, but somehow it had and now my wife was about to have sex with another man. Neither of us had ever had sex outside of our marriage, but had often discussed what it might be like to fuck a different person. Sondra had even admitted to being naked with the guy she dated before we met and how he had rubbed his cock over her pussy and that she had wanted him to fuck her, but he came too soon so she had not had him inside her.This had always turned me on and had led to many good sex sessions where she told me how big his cock was, how he had stripped her naked and played with her tits and how bad she wanted to fuck him. It also led to our mutual fantasy of her fucking another man while I watched. We had good sex throughout our marriage, but now as more mature adults loked for more spice to our sex lives. She had turned 50, but still had a sexy ass, 36 C tits that were deliciously suckable, and cute sexy legs all on a 5'0 frame. So, on a whim, we did a long drawn out internet search and after several false leads, finally found his address.This of itself had gotten her hot and we had many great lovemaking sessions in which she verbalized what she would like to do with him.\par \par \par His name was Jack, and he had replied to the email she sent by saying it was great to hear from her after so many years. Thus began a string of messages that became ever more suggestive and erotic, finally setting a date and ...
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