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Author: Desaril
Added: Aug 29 2005Views / Reads: 1239 / 899 [73%]Part vote: 9.00 (7 votes)
Ginger has fun out on the town

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Ginger lay in bed, looking at the mess they had made of their hotel room. "Oh my God" she thought, "I can't believe I did this."

Draped over the picture on the wall was one of her thigh high stockings. Looking around, she thought she could see the other one almost falling behind the dresser. She also saw that her three-inch heels were thrown against the half open closet doors. Her bustier was falling off of the single chair in the room. Sitting up, she tried to see if she could find her thong that she had been wearing. Not seeing it, she thought back and thought she remembered taking it off in the bathroom. Looking over at the man lying next to her, she smiled, yes, she had definitely had fun. Lying back down, she closed her eyes and ran over the events of last night in her mind.

It had started out like any other Friday night. A friend had called and said that there was a hot new club in town and asked if she wanted to go with her and some of the girls from the office. Needing a break, Ginger said yes. Arriving at the club at 7:45pm, it was already hopping. As they stood in line waiting, the dance music pouring out of the club Ginger saw a handsome man standing a few people in front of her. He was about 5'11" to her 5'4", dark hair that was almost black, electric blue eyes and a velvety voice. He was chatting and laughing with his friends, waiting to get into the club. Ginger couldn't stop staring at him. She heard one of his friends call him Brett. By now he had gone in to the club and she and her friends were at the bouncer. ...

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