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Boredomthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 3806 words)

Author: Poppers Picture in profile
Added: Sep 19 2005Views / Reads: 4035 / 3471 [86%]Story vote: 9.18 (11 votes)
A creative wife with incredible oral talents creates excitement in a marriage where things are starting to get stale

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The rain pounded my car like ball bearings on a tin roof. My two-year-old wiper blades were doing their level best to keep up, but failed miserably. I could see about as far as Ray Charles on a dark night.

I put all my concentration into driving but my wife's yammering certainly created an incredible distraction. "John slow down, John watch out for the bus, John look out for the pothole."

What fucking pothole, I thought just before the loud bang and crash of metal that was once a perfectly straight front axle. "Shit", how much worse can things get.

We are a hundred miles from home and its well after midnight. What an excellent end to a perfect fucking day. We drive for three hours for one of those crappy family get togethers that leaves you exhausted and ready to climb the walls. After all her sisters new baby was just a crying, boob hungry diaper filler that made everyone's life miserable. I am not sure what colicky really is but it seems to be another way of saying a big pain in the ass.

I called AAA and the tow truck arrived just before my wife's, incessant, unyielding, never-ending pissing, moaning and complaining destroyed what little sanity I had left.


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