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The Spoilt Bratthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 5344 words)

Author: Mag58 Picture in profile
Added: Sep 19 2005Views / Reads: 6910 / 6045 [87%]Story vote: 8.67 (12 votes)
Her spoilt brat of s step-son blackmails her into having sex.

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Spoilt Brat

I was dreading opening the door as I walked up the stairs to my flat. Let me explain; my 18 year old step-son was staying with me after having yet another argument with his father who he actually lived with. Freddie had become a real spoilt brat and it was our fault. From me first moving in with his dad, we had given in to his every need and want. Unbelievably he had got even worse in the last six months since I walked out on his dad after years of mental abuse.

Whenever my step-son stayed with me he had to sleep on the sofa as my flat only has one bedroom. This arrangement caused as many arguments as any other scenario in our crazy lives; as he had virtually stopped going to school in the February, he wouldn't wake up until after 10 and the living-room was always an absolute mess. If I ever had the audacity to accidentally wake him up when I was getting ready to go to work there would be Hell to pay later in the day from my foul-tempered step-son. Plus, his clothes would be scattered everywhere and most days he would leave half eaten food, empty beer cans, dirty magazines and used tissues for me to find next to the sofa. Just like his smoking; I had given up trying to get him to stop or be discreet as it would cause yet another fierce row and he would storm out to go to live with his dad. He would openly laugh in my face when I did pick the soiled tissues up and put them in the bin.


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