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Losing controlthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 7728 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: Gemini Dragon
Added: Sep 27 2005Views / Reads: 11913 / 10364 [87%]Part vote: 9.38 (21 votes)
Julie discovers something about herself in her first week on the job.

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I think it is time I consider telling the story about losing control. In some sense, it was lose of control, in another sense it was discovering myself. About 2 years ago my husband got transferred from central Texas to the Pacific Northwest to be closer to the head office. It was a great move politically for him, but not financially for us. I also suddenly had a lot of spare time on my hands because both our boys were now in school and my husband's new job required him to travel at least every other week.

I decided to put the extra time to good use and started visiting the gym during the weekdays after I dropped the kids at school. I'd work out from about 9am to 10am, then I'd have until 3pm before I had to worry about picking up the kids. With 5 spare hours a day, I decided that I would look for a job and help offset our financial burden. I had scanned the newspaper and found something that looked interesting - selling cooking supplies to restaurants. This was not the food supplies, but the actual cooking utensils, etc. It would involve making visits between 11am and 2pm to various restaurants in the area.

I called them to see about filling out an application and setting up an interview. The receptionist, Chrissy, scheduled me to meet with the owner, Mark, the next day. I was pretty excited. I didn't really have much in the way of good business attire, so I decided to pick up a nice skirt, blazer and blouse combination. At 5'5", I figured that some 3" heels would help not only make me look more business like but would ...

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