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Author: JL Picture in profile
Added: Oct 01 2005Views / Reads: 7347 / 6935 [94%]Part vote: 9.36 (39 votes)
My neighbor's daughter needed a spanking. She got something more.

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She was my neighbor's spoiled teenage daughter, and she was standing out in the rain, kicking the locked door of her townhouse, mad as hell. I couldn't exactly blame her. The downpour had started up without warning in the middle of the afternoon, and I was soaked too just from a quick dash from my car to my own door. She'd obviously been standing there a long time, and she was soaked.

Her name was Melissa, 18, and she was cute, the way all young girls are even if they're not knockout gorgeous: curly black hair, olive skin, short and just overcoming her adolescent pudginess. She was also a brat—pushy, rude, and selfish. Her parents were high-powered lawyers, never around, so I suppose that had a lot to do with her attitude. She could put on a good act with the rest of us, but I could hear the fights she had with her parents, and I saw how she treated the kids who weren't part of the stylish crowd she hung around with.

I also saw a little of how she treated the kids she did like, especially the boys. From my office I could see into her backyard, and lots of times I saw her outside in the morning or afternoon smoking cigarette and the occasional joint, talking and laughing with friends, teasing and making out with the jock boys she brought over. Sometimes I could see them slip their hands under the loose blouses she wore, or slide their fingers inside her tight jeans. And I could see her unzip their ...

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