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Author: PONI
Added: Oct 04 2005Views / Reads: 3880 / 3232 [83%]Part vote: 9.75 (12 votes)
A continuation: At the end of the narration of the first half of our experience with my friend Jack on our sailboat, he had just finished with my little wife, Chris, having won a good love session with her in poker. It didn’t end there!

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At the end of the narration of the first half of our experience with my friend Jack on our sailboat, he had just finished with my little wife, Chris, having won a good fuck with her in poker. It didn't end there!

They both sat there side by side opposite me on the long settee in the cozy salon of our 40' sailboat, naked and glistening from their coupling. As if on cue, we all grabbed our drinks from the table and a period of silence punctuated the end of what was to be the first of several couplings.

Jack was the first to break the silence when he said to me, "I think Chris would really appreciate it if you were to clean her pussy up with your tongue." He gave me a little grin and turned to Chris with a little questioning look. She gave him a glance and looked back at me.

"Now there's an idea," she said, and gave me a look, her eyes filled with command. The wet ooze coming from both her cunt and his cock taunted me, as they seemed to spread their legs to give me a good view of the evidence of their coupling.

Oh hell, I owed her one; she had finally relented and turned my big fantasy into a certainty. I slid out from behind the dinette table and knelt in front of her. She slid her ass forward on the seat and widely parted her thighs, putting her pussy inches from my face. The sight and smell of their cum in her crotch flooded my senses and I felt a ...

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