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Horse Back Riding Part twothis story is part of the FanClub (fm:swingers, 1489 words) [2/4] show all parts

Author: Thumper6948
Added: Oct 10 2005Views / Reads: 899 / 829 [92%]Part vote: 8.00 (4 votes)
Lady Godiva all over again

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Horse Back Riding Part Two

That evening back at the lodge we were greeted by Chet who introduced us to the other three couples who had arrived during that day.

Two of the couples were nice but seemed to be kind of stand-offish. The other couple were about our age and very hot. The gal (Veronica) has long black straight hair with Chiselled features and a slim body. Very pretty gal who was dressed more for a dinner in New York City than in a lodge in Colorado. Her husband Steve is about 6' 2" with a dark complexion. It was very evident that Steve spent alot of time working out at the local gym. His good looks had the gals smiling alot to him and each other as they hatched their plot to bed this couple.

When dinner was over and Chet wished us all a good night I noticed the gals talking and laughing with Steve and Veronica.

Tara hugged me when she tapped me on the shoulder, and whispered in my ear that we had company coming to try out our hot tub, so we had better hurry back to the cabin. Shortly after we arrived there was a knock at the door and it was Charlie and Tim. We had forgotten we had invited them to come over tonight and told them we had to cool it since we had guests on the way.

When Veronica and Steve arrived we sat and had a few drinks to help ...

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