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Horse Back Riding Part Threethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:swingers, 1029 words) [3/4] show all parts

Author: Thumper6948
Added: Oct 11 2005Views / Reads: 1166 / 5 [0%]Part vote: 8.75 (4 votes)
A third couple adds to the fun

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Horse Back Riding Part Three

Breakfast was pretty quiet this morning since most of us didn't get much sleep. There was alot of yawning during breakfast and Chet asked if we slept well. We all laughed and said we all partied too late last night and were a little tired today. We had Chet pack us picnic lunches.

So we all decided to go trail riding again today and invited Veronica and Steve to go along. They jumped at the chance and rode up to our corral to join us. We decided to try a new trail we hadn't tried yet and rode up a steep trial that lead to some amazing views of snow capped mountains off in the distance.

The girls were telling Veronica and Steve how they had rode topless and how their boobs hurt from all the bouncing. Veronica told the gals that she would have enjoyed trying that as well. So at the next stop we made the gals decided to try something new. They took off their shirts and tucked the top halves of their bras under and allowed their boobs to rest on top while giving some support. So as we rode along we had a great view of three sets of boobs.

Steve was all smiles and Veronica kept plucking her nipples to get them real hard. Tara's huge globes and long nipples bounced around the most. We stopped near some fallen trees and I had Tara get off her horse and stand with her legs apart bent at the waist as I entered her from the ...

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