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Vintage Office Employee Relationsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 2723 words)

Author: Shellboy
Added: Oct 20 2005Views / Reads: 2412 / 2134 [88%]Story vote: 8.67 (3 votes)
The way the newsroom used to work if you were a woman in a male dominated job...

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The sun was already setting in the city and the newsroom had that beautiful look to it. The bits of dust and waste from papers and the smoky hazy from the reporters cigars filled much of the view, giving it all a very surreal look with the orange and yellow light that wafted in. Most everyone had gone home at that point and the stillness only added to the beauty.

She had gotten the note hours earlier from her boss to see him after work in his office. Her mind had raced at the time trying to figure out what it could be. Since she was one of a very small number of women even employed on this floor of the paper she knew that things had to be perfect constantly as they were always looking for a reason to give her grief. As the day wore on she ran through all the things that it could be but couldn't find anything at all that she had done. But now that everyone is gone except for him, she stood up and slowly made her way there, letting the subtle heat from the evening sun float across her. Walking between the light and shadows, something inside her started to shiver.

"You wanted to see me boss?" she said as she knocked on the door, noticing that it opened on its own with the first bit of pressure.

"Yeah, get in here," he said gruffly. "You've got some serious explaining to do young lady."


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