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Drive Inthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:one-on-one, 3007 words)

Author: Lusty
Added: Nov 10 2005Views / Reads: 2267 / 2019 [89%]Story vote: 8.88 (8 votes)
Incident at a Drive In Theatre..!

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I lived in a rural town that had a drive-in theater not far from the interstate highway. Sometimes, usually on Friday nights, they would show an adult movie there, right in the drive-in. There were four of us guys who would go just about every Friday night. It turned out that two of them, Ralph and Craig, called off early one Friday, because Ralph's wife was ready to pop a new kid into the world. Craig, his brother, wanted to be there, too.

That left just Jake and myself. I called him and asked him if he still wanted to go. He decided that, yes, the two of us could go by ourselves.

Jake was a quiet guy, about a year younger than I was. I had always liked the way he took to sports in high school a few years back. I liked him, and I liked him a lot. Of course, I couldn't let him know that he had been the object of my fantasies for a long time. If I did that, and he didn't like the idea, the repercussions in a small town like ours would have been disastrous for me.

At the high school, all the boys took Physical Education together, at the same time, regardless of age. There weren't enough students to warrant anything but the one PE class, anyway. I remembered from those classes what he looked like naked. I had loved looking at him.

He had light brown hair with bangs that hung about halfway down his ...

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