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Driving young Don 2this story is part of the FanClub (mm:men at work, 990 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: CBOY67A Picture in profile
Added: Nov 12 2005Views / Reads: 779 / 1 [0%]Part vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
Trevor takes Don back to the dealership and awaits the fathers response. In the mean time things get pretty heated up all over again

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As Trevor and i start our way back to the dealership things are pretty quite at first. Thoughts of Trevors body kept racing through my mind . how he felt when our bodys were pressed together how our toungs danced in each others mouth in the heat of the moment, and still not being able to finish what we had started. I needed to have his cock deep inside me, I needed to feel him cum deep in my ass. I turned and looked at him out lining the strong features of his face and allowing my eyes to follow down his masculine chest and again down to his crotch still urning to put that masive cock back in my mouth. He turned and our eyes met, he smiled at me and of course i smiled back. Sorry i said, about what Trevor replied. my dad and all no big deal things happen but i do have to say you sure do give the best blow job ive ever had with that he shook his head and staired off watching the road. I put my hand on his leg and turned to ask if he would like to go at it again he smiled and gave a quick nod but replied not right now i need to get back to work about that time we pulled into the dealership shook my hand gave me his card and walked away. What a fucking asshole i thought to myself but when i looked at his card he had left his address and in writing said meet me here at 9 dont be late we have some unfinished bussiness to finish. As i walked back to my car all i could think about was how my new friend was going to get the greatest fuck he had ever had in his life. I went home to take a shower and get ready for Trevors fuck fest. As i showered i still couldnt get him off my mind. his hair his eyes his hard chissled body and how his massive cock streached my mouth. Looked at the clock and it was finaly time to go. I knocked on his ...

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