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Basketball with Bouncethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:interracial, 2210 words)

Author: 2_old_2_change
Added: Dec 11 2005Views / Reads: 8491 / 6854 [81%]Story vote: 7.50 (8 votes)
I decide that young Sarah needs a lesson in life.

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I am a 38yo African-American male who was born and raised in Northern Florida. At the age of 22 I was on the verge of a career as a professional basketball player. There were several scouts who were looking to sign me to some minor league teams. Unfortunately at that time in my life my skills on the basketball court were not matched by my ability to stay out of trouble. To cut a not so long story even shorter I ended up doing 8 years in prison and by the time I came out I was not on any basketball scout?s lists.

About a year after I was out I was working in a mechanical business when an old guy who had coached me at school came in to get his car serviced. I spoke to him for a while about old times and the events that lead to me throwing away any talents that I had. He told me that he was going to Australia in the new year to help coach a team in their National League. It turns out that his daughter had moved there several years ago and had managed to get him a job through a friend.

Several months later he rang me and asked if I was interested in going to Australia to have an opportunity to play in the league. At the age of 32 I boarded a plane bound for Melbourne Australia in order to start my career. Once again to sum up the next 5« years into a couple of sentences I did okay in the league and was regular player for my club until earlier this year I was injured and it took some time to mend. During that time I did some work in the club?s office with sponsors and charity work etc. This is where my story begins. ...

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