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The Headmaster's Room (pt 2)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:fetish, 1547 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: Mag58 Picture in profile
Added: Dec 13 2005Views / Reads: 883 / 834 [94%]Part vote: 9.67 (3 votes)
After her previous caning Lisa can't wait to get into trouble again...this time has strange consequences.

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‘The Headmasters' Room' (Part 2)

When the bell rang for the end of the morning lessons at 12.30; I was strangely disappointed at not having been called back to Mr Skinners' office for him to finish my punishment in his study. I ate lunch with some girlfriends then hung around the gym buildings smoking cigarettes and talking about a party that we were going to on the Saturday night. As the bell rang for the end of lunch- break Thelma the School Secretary spotted me and called me over; "Where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere. Mr Skinner is very angry with you and wants to see you immediately."

"I'll just go to the toilet first." I coolly told the frumpy old cow as I nonchalantly swept past her, making my friends giggle. "I don't think so!" She hissed as she firmly grabbed my arm, "Get along there now!" My feet hardly touched the ground as she marched me along the main corridor to his office. "Wait there." Thelma pointed to the wooden seat that I becoming used to sitting on as she knocked on the door then entered the Headmasters' Study. A minute later she re-opened the door and grinned at me; "In you go." Mr Skinner was sitting behind his large oak desk gently rocking backwards and forwards in his leather swivel chair. "Aha...the elusive Miss Simpson," he chuckled sarcastically, "I'm so pleased that you could find the time to see me." I knew better than to give him a smart answer when he was in this mood so stood in silence. ...

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