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The Headmaster's Room (pt 3)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:fetish, 3703 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: Mag58 Picture in profile
Added: Dec 13 2005Views / Reads: 787 / 707 [90%]Part vote: 8.67 (3 votes)
While working in a restaurant Lisa meets the Headmaster 20 years after their last encounter.

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The Headmaster's Room (Part 3)

My story jumps forward 20 years to May of this year. In the intervening years I've been married twice, lived with two other guys and never had any children. My career, as it is, has consisted of a succession of dead-end shop and restaurant work; moving from town to town across the UK and a Summer in Ibiza.

"Well, well, well...some people never change. Do they Miss Simpson? It is Miss Simpson?" My legs nearly buckled as I recognised ‘that voice' from my teenage years in the middle of an argument with the Chef of the smart restaurant that I was working in.

"Get back in there," I hissed at the young man in kitchen whites, "and get it fucking right this time!"

My face was like a beetroot as I turned to face my tormenter.

"It is you...isn't it...Lisa?" The grey haired man in an expensive tweed suit asked me.

"Jesus Christ!" I virtually whistled, "Mr. Skinner; fancy seeing you here." I was grinning like Cheshire Cat as I held my hand out to greet him.


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