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We were boredthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:exhibitionism, 2624 words)

Author: shayexhibits Picture in profile
Added: Dec 26 2005Views / Reads: 2964 / 2354 [79%]Story vote: 8.53 (17 votes)
A story of how my husband lit the exhibitionist fire in me.

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We Were Bored

It was one of the first nice days of spring but I was bored. My husband wanted to get out of the house, so we used the excuse of shopping for a skirt or new pair of shorts for the summer. I had been pretty ambitious about getting back into shape and last year's things don't fit anymore. I lost 30 pounds and even my tightest of clothes, didn't even come close.

I have always been a bit of a flirt, the kind of woman that seems to always have a circle of people around me. Now that I was looking good enough for one of my husbands to point it out. in front of his wife. It turned out to be the wrong thing for him to do, cause his wife is insanely jealous, but it made me feel good to know he would be looking whenever he was over. Another story though, we were off to the mall to do a little shopping.

While my husband checked out the hardware store next door I had purchased a new skirt. It was shorter than recent ones that I had bought and it flared out with small pleats. I wanted to put it on before we left the parking lot. Shyness created a minor thrill for me while I was changing in the car. I kept my thong on much to the dismay and fake pouting of my husband. He started to complain about the heat in the car and opened his door. I knew what he was up to and still went through with it. He just smiled when he saw that I didn't care much, ...

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