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Mondays Rule!this story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 2835 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Minxtamer Picture in profile
Added: Dec 29 2005Views / Reads: 3259 / 1802 [55%]Part vote: 9.20 (5 votes)
The lady is real in this story but the actions are just my fantasies.

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Because I am getting older now I thought it might be nice to try my hand an older man/woman story.

I never was a romantically or sexual active younger man, it wasn't until I married my wife that we became experimental and open. I am 39; I have begun to think of what it must be like to have a young lady find me attractive. I wanted to write detailing a fantasy that I have about a real person. She is 21 and is one of the ladies that clean my office. But I didn't want it to come out in that skeevy old man perv kind of way.

I used to work the road a lot but I was promoted to a position that put me in an office most of the time now. Since Jess started working in housekeeping I really look forward to Monday's; that is the day that the cleaning team comes into clean the security offices. Jessica is a beautiful blonde that is very curvaceous. She has that curly blonde highlighted hair that is popular and she really makes it look fantastic. She is soft and round, something that I love in women. I am not attracted to these Barbie doll cutouts that seem to be popping up everywhere. She fills out a pair of jeans like nobody's business.

She came in last Monday and I was deep in a security lighting survey when she came across the room to empty the trash can next to my desk.

"Hey dude, what's up?" She smiled at me. "Not much, just trying to ...

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