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Jail Timethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1185 words)

Author: jayjay
Added: Jan 14 2006Views / Reads: 1625 / 975 [60%]Story vote: 7.71 (7 votes)
Marian get thrown in a cell with a virile hunk.

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The White Supremacists had taken over Wellington (New Zealand) and were putting all ethnic people into prison camps. The Army was camped outside the city borders and was trying to regain the city but the WS were too strong .I am a 20 year old white female but I didn't sympathise with the racist bigots. I have always been completely anti-racism. I am 5"2 with long straight blond hair, DD boobs, a slim waist and blue eyes so when I was in the city I was welcomed by the WS. I however was intent on giving them a piece of my mind. I walked straight up to a skin headed tattooed nazi and told him that what him and his cronies were doing was disgusting, he took exception to this and decided to throw me in the cells too. Being trapped in a cell with a gorgeous virile man isn't the worst thing that could happen to me.


"If you like them so much you can join them in the cell" the nazi tells me. I find myself handcuffed and being thrown into a cell with a gorgeous olive skinned Maori man. He is 6"1 with green eyes and black hair. "Go fuck yourself" I yell to the skinhead. He backhands me across the cheek. "Try that when I'm not handcuffed asshole!" I scream. The Nazi walks off at that. I turn to the man waiting in the cell, "I'm Marian, nice to meet you" "I'm Steve, you're pretty feisty for a little white girl" "Those guys really piss me off, but I guess I ...

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