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The Cure for a Hangoverthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1962 words)

Author: Redsugar
Added: Feb 02 2006Views / Reads: 1244 / 1009 [81%]Story vote: 8.80 (15 votes)
The female story and more from HEAD-ache. An alternative medicine might be just what you need...

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What a night this has been. I couldn't believe I was actually here with Stan. This was a guy that I had been crushing on since I started teaching at the elementary school. I knew it was a little excessive, but I always wanted to look my best for him. I always wanted him to notice me so in addition to the high fashion, sporadically changing my hair color was another measure I took for his attention. I never really liked to keep it the same color for long periods of time anyway and I figured it would be another way he couldn't miss me. In a way it was a way for me to let him know that it's not always same ‘ol same ‘ol with me. Silly gesture I know, but I did it anyway. I never knew if he was just playing hard to get because he wouldn't show me the time of day, but it didn't matter anymore, I was here with him now.

A bunch of us had gone out one Saturday and the man I desired so was too drunk to function his own body so of course I volunteered to make sure he made it home. How could I deal with knowing something happened to him when I could have done something about it. His friends wanted to continue on their way because they had their own business to take care of plus I was the only one who knew where his building was so it worked out best for all of us. Of course as usual I got done up in one of my best dresses. The little black Gucci dress no man could resist. I knew my body was right; I worked hard to keep it that way. I thought there was no way he was getting around me tonight.

We got out of the taxi and I was helping him up the stairs to his ...

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