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Party timethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:exhibitionism, 1585 words)

Author: LuvSammi Picture in profile
Added: Feb 04 2006Views / Reads: 8269 / 5742 [69%]Story vote: 8.79 (14 votes)
I meet my boyfriend's friends for the first time. We then have great sex in an upstairs bedroom. He later becomes my husband. Please Vote.

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Our next date, where to go, what to do... We both ponder the question. Why should it be a difficult decision? It finally resolves itself. You realize you have a friend's birthday party to attend. When you talk to me about it, I agree to go with you. We are both slightly nervous by the prospect. After all, this is the first time we will be in "pubic" together.

The party is being held outdoors, bar-b-que, music, dancing, balloons, cake... the whole thing. Dress is casual, shorts, jeans, T-shirts, so I decide to wear a T-shirt and shorts. When you show up, we both chuckle - the Bobsey twins! Well, almost, my shorts are shorter.

You hold my hand as we drive to the party, knowing I'm a little nervous about meeting your friends. When you help me out of the car, you press me against it quickly and kiss me, short but very passionately.

The party goes well, I seem to pass your friends criteria (goody) and don't spill on myself. The nicest part is the fact you keep close by me, making sure I'm doing ok. It gets late, candles are lit, the music quiets down, some people leave. There are about 4 couples left, sitting together chatting comfortably. I'm leaning against you, your arm around my waist - holding me close. As the conversation reaches a lull, someone suggests playing a game. Debate on what game could be played. Twister? Too energetic. Scrabble? Spelling doesn't seem like a possibility. Charades? Groans for that suggestion. Finally someone ...

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