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Author: NaughtyStudent
Added: Feb 22 2006Views / Reads: 1531 / 1064 [69%]Part vote: 9.50 (2 votes)
Kevin, a black man, takes complete control over Beth, a small white woman.

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She sat there with her legs crossed. She always been weary of meeting strangers off the internet, but something about him seemed so safe and secure. He had a way to make her trust him, and she thought it was finally time they met. They had been talking on the internet and the phone for over two years. The two had shared an intimate connection that neither of them knew was possible from just talking on the phone. She sat there with her muscular legs crossed. She pulled and tugged at her skirt and kept pulling it down, she was afraid that someone would be able to see up her skirt. She was weary of wearing skirts to begin with because she didn't like her legs, they were short and muscular and pretty overwhelming at first site. She spent a lot of time walking, so her legs were built up. It is not like she was a small girl to begin with, but she wasn't huge either. She was well built, even more well built since she started school. She had lost a good bit of her gut that she had in high school, and her ass was firmer and tighter than it ever had been before. Of course, the first thing every man noticed about her, whether it was intentional or unintentional was her large chest. She confidently walked around with 46 DD's in her shirts. She never wore extremely tight shirts to show them off, but today she wore a tank top, but a button down shirt over it. Just as she adjusted the buttons on her shirt, her cell phone rang.

"Take off that silly button down shirt; I told you, I wanted to be able to see your breast. I have heard you talk about them so much; I want to see if they are like what you told me, or if you were lying and need to ...

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