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My Special Surprisethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 7105 words)

Author: Star
Added: Mar 28 2006Views / Reads: 1199 / 840 [70%]Story vote: 9.00 (6 votes)
He has a surprise for me that I'm not real sure I want to experience. Could also be under 3some/voyeur. Comments welcome...good or bad ;)

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Story originally written for the ESchallenge. Comments will be greatly appreciated. Thank you and enjoy. Wish

I am a submissive woman, twenty-nine years old. I have happily been with Robert for the last two years. He is the only man I have ever called "Master". We have yet to make the big plunge into marriage or living together, both of us enjoy our private space too much to give it up yet. I want to tell you about one time in particular. Even though I was far from virginal when we met, he has managed to show me many new things in the time that we have been together that I never would have thought possible.

My Master had teased me often about how he felt that I would love to have a woman touching me and the more he said it, the more I denied it. I was, in my opinion, a typical woman. I feel that honesty is a good thing. I had already admitted to him the things that I found erotic. Those little stray ideas that we often really don't want anyone to know we have considered. Like when I told him of the few times that I had dreams where I was with a woman and she would be touching me or using a vibrator on me and I would be able to see her hands moving over me. I had admitted that in the dreams her touch was very erotic because they were small and painted unlike a man's and that generally a woman's hands would be softer and I didn't feel that would be a bad thing. "I have never acted upon it, nor did I plan to." I stated trying to make him see that it was not what I wanted at all, that it had only been ...

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