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63 y/o Office Managerthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 2081 words)

Author: Annie
Added: Sep 14 2000Views / Reads: 5263 / 3779 [72%]Story vote: 9.25 (4 votes)
She wanted a massage

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63 y/o Office Manager !

Dee is the office manager where I work. She's 63y/o, very plump with very large breasts. One day in the office, she told me she was going to have to find someone else to give her twice monthly massages. The day spa, where she gets her hair done & massages, was losing the girl who massages her everyother Wednesday. Jokingly, I told her " I could give her the massages, how long does she massage you and what does it cost ? " She told me she gets massaged for 45 minutes & it cost $65. I said " God, I'd massage you for 60 minutes & do it for $40". She asked me "What do you know about massges?" I told her it was just as good & relaxing to get the muscles & tissue massaged & I could do that !! She said OK I'll try it and see.....I said OK....so the next Wednesday morning she asked me If I was still going to give her massage....I said sure...what time? She told me to come over to her house (she's off on wednesday afternoons) about 2:00. So that afternoon I arrived at her house at 2:00....parked & knocked on the door. She opened the door & invited me in.....she has a new house & wanted to show it to me...we toured the house, very big, & ended back in the kitchen.....she asked me if I wanted a cup of coffee & I joined her.........Dee was wearing a full length housecoat, buttoned up the front....remember, she's 63 y/o & a very plump lady but not really fat, just alot meat on her bones and very large breasts....so I'm thinking only massage & $40, I'll be on my way.........after about 20 minutes of talking and laughing, she asked if I was ready to give her the massage, that she really needed it.....I ...

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