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Family Slutthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 4269 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: Besot
Added: Apr 13 2006Views / Reads: 4628 / 3869 [84%]Part vote: 8.86 (7 votes)
Couple who plays lose control of the situation and realizes she may be pregnant by a black man. when telling their grown children they find out their daughter is also has a black boyfriend

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Being the ultimate slut - one

If you and your bride get excitement from her being a hot wife, and play long enough, you will be amazed at the surprises, situations, events that happen to both of you. I though I had seen it all, from bruises, hickeys, permanent markers, amazingly swollen sex parts, unbelievable volume of cum, and variety of men. Then she comes to you one day and she tells you something that blows you away. You begin to wonder if there is a limit to how much can happen. Then you find out anything can happen.

My wife Rhonda literately has loved to experiment with any type of sex play you can imagine. She had tried at least 50 different men with many different cock shapes and sizes. Everything from 4 inch to 11 inch cocks. They had her from the time she was 15 until she just turned 36. She just recently had the 11 inch cock and really enjoyed it so much we think she is now a size queen. I have the normal 6 inch cock and I love seeing and hearing about her getting fucked so our marriage is great. We also have two kids, a boy 18 and a girl 16. It was getting much more difficult to find time to play with the kids becoming very aware of her dress and activities. When we planned one of our "wild" times we would pack a suitcase of clothes and change after we leave the house so they wouldn't think their mother was a slut.

Rhonda is 5 foot, 4 inches tall with long brown hair and hazel eyes. She ...

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