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Nude Beach Dickthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:group, 1380 words)

Author: David Wallace
Added: Apr 25 2006Views / Reads: 2391 / 1844 [77%]Story vote: 8.67 (3 votes)
I get into a gay orgy at a nude beach.

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It was last summer when I had a memorable sexual encounter at the local nude beach. It was a hot day, and I was very horny, so I decided to go to the nearest place to get relief; the nude beach close by my apartment. I knew from prior experience that there was a large gay section, with secluded gullies where men had sex with each other. I also knew that this was a great place to see hot naked men, so I packed up my supplies; a towel and some KY jelly, and headed off to the beach.

I arrived around ten in the morning, before the afternoon rush. The parking-lot had bathrooms and showers for the beachgoers. A pathway led down the cliff to the beach itself. Two nude women were showering right beside the path. I was surprised as the nude section of the beach was somewhat further down, but the women just smiled at me. They knew that I was either there to ogle the nude women on the straight section, or to have sex with other men on the gay section.

"Are you hunting for some pussy, or some dick," the taller of the two, a brunette asked.

Somewhat taken aback, I answered. "Dick."

"Figured," replied the blond. "I thought you were gay."

Having nothing to say to this, I merely nodded and proceeded down the ...

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