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What Dreams are Made of Chapter 3this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 886 words) [3/4] show all parts

Author: Desiree Picture in profile
Added: May 09 2006Views / Reads: 251 / 163 [65%]Part vote: 10.00 (2 votes)
Is Luke real? Or just a fabulous dream?

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The next morning when I woke I rolled over to the empty space beside me. Luke. He was the singular thought on my mind. Him and his glittering eyes, strong arms. A delicious chill raced over my skin.

The pillow was bare. I remembered leaving the note there. Maybe it'd slipped off. No bother. The words were emblazoned in my mind.

Impatiently yours, Luke

I was impatiently his.

A hot shower did little to edge the need coursing through my veins. It was in every thought, every breath; consuming me, taunting me, swirling around me just like the steam in my bathroom.

When would he come again? Come back to me. Take me completely, wholly?

I waited for him for hours. I could think of nothing else, even though I tried. That night I almost felt sick of wanting, waiting. The whole day seemed to have gone by in black and white, slow motion.

As I snuggled under the covers I made a startling realization. It was only a dream. Luke, his desire, his note... it had all been a dream. I heard the groan that escaped my lips. I felt it deep along with a wash of agony. There was an ache deep inside me, one I knew only he ...

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