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My friendthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2223 words)

Author: shahohan
Added: May 10 2006Views / Reads: 1672 / 893 [53%]Story vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
How my best friend turn out to be something more than a friend...

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"Fuck you bitch, i dont want to be with you, i dont want to see your face again" he said. We were fighting again. The long distance relationship was taking a toll on us. My boyfriend is based in delhi and i am doing my MBBS in Nepal The five years of long distance courtship was getting difficult day by day. I was getting emotionally drained, and depresssion had become my second nature. Thank God i have a friend Javed, who is always around in these times. He is also from delhi, and the only one i can relate to. Our friendship has grown stronger over the past five years, and he found a trusting confidant in me. We both share our good times and bad times. This time around too he was there to comfort me. i was very upset and almost on the verge of tears.

We had gone on a village posting, a bunch of 16 medical students on a field trip to one of the remote villages in nepal. Thankfully Javed was one of them, and it gave me great comfort to have him around. This day was no different than usual. The phone call had got me crying and the moment he saw me he understood what was happening. He pulled me close to him and hugged me and asked me not to worry and that things would be fine. There are always bad phases, he was moving his hand over my head and talking me out of the mood, and telling me how special i was and that things would be better soon. His hands felt good on my head, and it gave me a soothing feeling. My head was on his shoulders and his embrace was making me feel warm and better.


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