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Young Lustthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:voyeurism, 2753 words)

Author: WestTexas36
Added: May 26 2006Views / Reads: 7068 / 5820 [82%]Story vote: 8.82 (11 votes)
I was in a local coffee shop catching up on some paperwork on a recent morning when I had a most unusual event happen. I am by no means a pervert who gets off watching others; however, this situation was so surreal as I watched a young sexy couple make l

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It was fairly quiet in the shop since the local university had let out for the summer. There were people scattered here and there in the shop. One couple kept catching my attention because of their giggles and muffled laughter over on a couch in the corner of the dimly light shop. They were a cute pair of what looked to be students about 19-20 who were totally infatuated in each other and oblivious to the word around them. As they laughed and cuddled on the couch, I look up from across the shop just to watch them. No for any other reason than because they seemed to really being enjoying each other. They reminded me of my wife and me at their age and how we used to get so wrapped in each other and our passions.

The girl was very cute with should length blonde hair and a very cute and innocent looking face with glasses. She wore a black sun dress that showed off her slender body. She was not very tall, maybe only about 5'0" from what I could tell. Her boyfriend was a good looking kid who easily stood over 6'. He had a lanky athletic build and tussled blonde hair like so many young guys these days and he wore jeans and a t-shirt. They were lying on an over-sized leather sofa in the coffee shop. The girl had a white sweater that she must have removed earlier and it lay across the boys lap. At first it appeared to be covering him, but I noticed not motion underneath it. The girl was obviously rubbing his crotch and giggling and her brazen behavior. The boy looked up a few times, but you could easily tell he was much more interested in her actions than worrying about getting caught. As ...

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