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Billthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 5910 words)

Author: A.Shanty
Added: Jun 12 2006Views / Reads: 675 / 577 [85%]Story vote: 9.60 (5 votes)
Shy loner forty year old follows woman to find love

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The first time I saw Heather was last Spring. I had decided I was out of shape and badly needed to do something about it. Depressed, I was. The wife had left me for a work mate. Well, it had been a "marriage of convenience" as they say. We hadn't been in love, just decided we were good enough to spend a life with since nothing better had come along for either of us. The sex was okay but no roaring hell for either of us, so didn't happen often. We were living separate lives together. Still, I was very unhappy and lonely when she left. Cheated.

I was jogging around the park in the centre of town early that dull Friday morning and so was she. Like me, she was obviously new at it, working hard to move her body at more than a walk Toque. Gloves. Pained expression. What I noticed most, of course, was her generous chest, slurping around on her front under an old sweat shirt. ‘Eee gods, Lady', i thought. ‘Get yourself a sports bra.' She was panting heavily as we passed one another but I was in pain too.

The next time was the following midweek. She had done something about her bobbing boobs, but still wore the sweat shirt. She was working hard and moving faster, but you could see it was still an effort. Her eyes, covered with shades, never left the pavement a few feet in front of her as we passed.

I didn't see her for a while. I was away on business. She was ...

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