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My Young College Neighborthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 2179 words)

Author: Annie
Added: Sep 21 2000Views / Reads: 10061 / 3683 [37%]Story vote: 8.83 (6 votes)
I just went out onto the porch, to enjoy a cup of coffee

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Young Man Next Door !

My name is Liz, I'm 60y/o and have lived in this neighborhood for 25 years. I took early retirement for the city at age 58 and my husband John operates 5 self-serve car washes here in the city. John and I love eachother very much and have a great life, but John hasn't been able to perform sex with me for over 7 years ! His medicine for high blood pressure, prevents him for getting erect. My sex drive is still there, but my feelings for John has kept me faithful these past few years. I've had a few chances to have sex, but turned them down. John and I play with dildo's and vibes, but I dream of the real thing !! The house next door, we purchased it a few years ago, looking to retirement, and have it rented to, two nice college students ! Last June, John was out of town at a car wash convention for a few days. That Tuesday night, after supper, I went out on the back porch and was enjoying a cup of coffee. It was about 6:00PM. I heard a voice say "Hello Mrs. Kelly". I looked up and peering over the fence was Larry, the 25y/o young man next door. "Enjoying the evening?" he said. I was just thinking about going inside and getting my dildo out and working on myself before bedtime. "Hello Larry, what are you doing?" I said......"Nothing, just trying to stay out of trouble tonight" he said as he walked over to my porch. Larry sits down and we start talking, laughing....I go inside and get him a cup of coffee, and for the next hour or so, we talk about everything .......and then the conversation goes to sex !! I don't have a bra on, and dressed only in ...

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