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Dr. Eroticthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 15774 words)

Author: Thesandman Picture in profile
Added: Jun 24 2006Views / Reads: 9916 / 8473 [85%]Story vote: 9.75 (12 votes)
A thriving business turns into everyones fantasies

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Doctor Erotic

I had been a very successful Psychiatrist with a thriving practice for a number of years. I'd worked hard for those initials behind my name, John P. Edwards, M.D. And for a good many of those years, I really thought I was providing a worthwhile service. Then, Ms. Emily Fredrickson walked into my office.

When I'd initially begun my practice I had visions of treating people with some interesting neuroses, and really getting involved in some deep inner issues. What I found however was that I was seeing nothing more than a bunch of board lonely housewives with a lot of money, and nothing better to do than lie on a couch and vent. For the most part, none of them needed anything more than a little excitement in their lives, or at the minimum, a good hard fuck from someone other than their spouses. But this isn't exactly the kind of advice I was supposed to be giving them. So instead, I went through all the usual typical Dr. stuff to try and find out the 'why' they were feeling that way.

Most of my clients were referrals from other patients. All of who swore that I was one of the best, if not thee best in my field. When I first met Ms. Fredrickson I was already so busy treating and seeing people that I nearly turned her down sight unseen. However, at the prompting of one of the women I was counseling, who'd asked me as a BIG favor to ...

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