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Strawberry blondethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 1837 words)

Author: Raingirl Picture in profile
Added: Jun 30 2006Views / Reads: 10813 / 9438 [87%]Story vote: 8.96 (24 votes)
One of my customers comes to help me clean my car after some ripe berries spill. The action gets very intense.

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Strawberry Blonde

My name is Jill and it's my summer vacation following my high school graduation. I'll tell you that I'm not a terribly striking or attractive girl (at least I don't think of myself that way) and my social life took a back seat to my studies all thru high school.

I was kind of a late bloomer and didn't really even need to wear a bra until 8-9 months ago. I have strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes, 5'1", 98 pounds and I'm an "B" cup. I have very wispy pubic hair that looks more like that of a 12 year old. My waist is tiny and guys kid me about not having enough "ass" to keep my jeans from falling down.

I was going to the east coast for college in the fall, and I was looking for a part time job for the summer just to have a little spending money for clothes and stuff. I ended up getting a job as a barista at a little espresso stand out near the mall. The hours were lousy, (Either very early morning or late afternoon until 7:00 PM) and it kind of zapped my energy to go out and do stuff with my friends.

One good thing about my job was that I got a lot of guys coming thru the drive-up during the day and they usually liked to flirt with me. Occasionally, I'd find myself leaning out the service window a little more than necessary just to watch the guy's eyes peer down my blouse. I soon developed several "regular" customers that would get a little ...

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