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The Windowthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:exhibitionism, 2651 words)

Author: Janet1950
Added: Aug 19 2006Views / Reads: 4975 / 4095 [82%]Story vote: 9.18 (11 votes)
A lady comes home one evening to relax in the privacy of her apartment...but does she really have the privacy she thinks she has?

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I have a high-rise apartment in major Midwest city. Born in 1950, I'm divorced and happy. I date once in a while but make no commitments. I've watched my weight and spend extra to keep my hair and face and skin in the best condition possible, so I get compliments from other female friends and some nice reactions from men. I'm a little bored these days, but I'm happy---oh, but I already said that, didn't I? That I'm happy, I mean. But bored, and I know that's the second time I said that, but I did it deliberatly this time to emphasize how bored I am....

My neighborhood is "high-density." That is, there are dozens of buildings around mine, so no matter how high up you live, there may be some nice views, but there isn't as much privacy as one might think. I recall when I first came to the city, I lived in a building 45-stories tall. The laundry room on the first floor had a bulletin board area where people could advertise things they had for sale. Things like couches, lamps, whatever. Once I noticed that someone had put together a typed description of a telescope that was for sale. First thing I thought was how it was kind of cool that we had a star-gazer in the building. I didn't know that "light pollution" made it impossible to see anything but the moon, not even the meteor showers that you hear about from time to time. The description of the telescope was pretty technical, but at the end I noticed an extra line added: "camera ready for 35mm." Well, I guess my first reaction was that it'd be interesting to take and print your own photos of planets or the moon, but a minute ...

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