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Legend of Cowboythis story is part of the FanClub (bi:threesomes, 1463 words)

Author: habu
Added: Oct 05 2006Views / Reads: 3555 / 2638 [74%]Story vote: 8.00 (4 votes)
Balling with a legendary Bangkok bar owner

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All sorts of expatriate "characters" gravitated to Bangkok, Thailand, in the seventies and eighties, and none were more colorful than the man known simply as Cowboy. Cowboy was a six-and-a-half foot black American stud, who was said to have been a pro basketball player of some note who had retreated to Bangkok in the face of possible charges for point shaving and racketeering. In Bangkok, Cowboy had built a small empire of girlie bars in the Phatpong tenderloin district, the most notable one of which was named, appropriately enough, Cowboy's.

There were a few legends about Cowboy. One was that he had the biggest dick in Thailand, which was given some evidence by the woman who buzzed around him looking very satisfied. The second was that he would fuck anything that moved, which was at least partially evidenced by the men who buzzed around him as well. And the third was that he never took off his signature ten-gallon hat, chaps, or spurs, even during sex.

Cowboy was one of the most happy-go-lucky, witty, and generous people in the international community, and those who knew him reacted well to him no matter how much effort they had to put into ignoring his past and his reputation.

A few months into my tour as an SR71 photoreconnaissance jet driver living in Bangkok, I decided I'd like to check out the legend of Cowboy. I joined the U.S. embassy's bowling league just because he was on it, and I got as close to his inner circle there as possible. ...

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