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Dirty Teachersthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1270 words)

Author: enjoyable20 Picture in profile
Added: Oct 13 2006Views / Reads: 1532 / 1045 [68%]Story vote: 8.33 (6 votes)
Tina and a fellow teacher, have been going at it, for weeks. This time, they take it outside the classroom, for more fun. Part one out of two or more.

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Dirty Teachers

The air was cold, as I made my way across the parking lot, in my three-inch heels. My ankles were killing me, but I would never admit it to anyone who would dare say so. I had spent many days in them, usually just to drive another fellow teacher crazy with desire. The effect was always outrageous. Each time that I would have these heels on, he undressed me with his eyes every time we crossed paths in the hall. Of course, each time I would find myself in his office promptly at twelve. Lately though, I'd find myself in his classroom, before class, at lunch and after-hours. Except this morning had been different.

I had purposely avoided him. Causing him to wonder about our little morning fuck. I had seen his reaction when I had crossed him in the hallway while I transitioned the kids to my classroom from the gym. I had seen his eyes, trail to my feet, where he followed my shapely legs. I had worn a knee-length skirt and the high heels caused it to inch a little higher whenever I walked. By twelve, I had worked myself up, the idea that making him wait a little for our little inter-session would have him hornier, and it caused me to if possibly get even more hornier than usual. Without even knocking, I entered his office promptly at twelve, to find that he either wasn't there yet, or that he wouldn't be there at all. Glancing at his desk, a letter grabbed my attention. Grabbing it, I realized it was addressed to me. It simply said,


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