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Fishing With Scottthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:first time, 1216 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Greg Taylor
Added: Sep 30 2000Views / Reads: 1748 / 1175 [67%]Part vote: 6.80 (5 votes)
Greg and I were Paramedic partners and decided to go fishing one day . . . and wow was it a day . . .

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Scott and I were paramedic partners on a rescue unit for over a year or two. After a rough shift of dealing with dying patients, we would do different things. Working a 24 hour shift really takes it out on you. Sometimes, when we got off, we would go to a bar for a couple of drinks and play some pool. Getting of work in the morning was like everyone else’s 5:30 in the evening – so having a drink or two was not that bad.

Since Scott and I shared a bunkroom, I had always been watching him closely, wanting to try sex with him. I had never really had sex with another man, so I really did not know what to expect. Scott was about 6’1” tall, 190 lbs with blonde hair and blue eyes . .. a killer build as well. I was about 6’ tall, 200 lbs with reddish brown hair, brown eyes.

When we got ready to lay down at night, I would try to look at his underwear and see what was in that basket of his. What I say through his underwear I liked. I would catch him looking at me from time to time, but I was too shy to say anything to him. I did not want anyone at work to even think I was interested in another guy.

Well, one morning after working all night, we grabbed a case of beer and iced it down. We also grabbed our fishing poles and bait and hit several streams close to Scott’s apartment. After drinking and fishing most of the day we decided to head to his apartment, grab a shower and ...

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