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Author: Swingcouple
Added: Oct 28 2006Views / Reads: 4020 / 2574 [64%]Part vote: 8.82 (11 votes)
How my husband set me up

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Introduction: We are a married couple for starters. We live in Turkey. (If you don't know where it is look it up :P) We apologize for the possible grammatical errors, because English isn't our native tongue. We have decided to share our fantasies. Some of the stories we will share ture, some are partially true and some are fiction. We leave it it your imagination to decide which ones are real and which ones are fiction.


It was a holiday eve. We were three at home: my husband and our close friend Steve. Steve had asked to spend the holiday at our house since he was not going to leave the city and had no other place to stay. We had accepted since he was a close friend and because we both would be away visiting our families.

It was a dark and snowy evening. We had dined together. My husband had left for his bus half an hour after the dinner. My bus was about five hours later. As I said it was a cold evening, and the heating system at our home was not perfect. Therefore, it was not only the outside which was cold. We had just dined and my husband had left. Now it was two of us left in the house. We had about four hours to spend together. We were sitting at the long armchair across the TV - Steve at one end and I on the other. I was wearing a pullover and a tracksuit, and still I was cold. I brought a blanket from the other room. We were not talking ...

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