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Home Alone.this story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 3005 words)

Author: Knob-Out Picture in profile
Added: Nov 02 2006Views / Reads: 4689 / 4075 [87%]Story vote: 9.06 (16 votes)
Being neighbourly gets me my first ever deep throat experience.... read on!

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Home Alone.

A few weeks ago I was outside washing my car when I felt something poke me in the backside, I turned round to see a white bull mastiff dog with collar and lead attached but no owner.

He had obviously taken a liking to me because he immediately stuffed his nose into my groin and kept sniffing away his stubby tail wobbling from side to side, he just wouldn't leave me alone; everywhere I walked the dog followed. Now I know I said he liked me but it was not in the biblical sense if you know what I mean, he didn't try to hump my leg or anything like that.

About 10 minutes later a woman came running up the road shouting for Horace, the dog looked round, sat down and dribbled everywhere. The woman approached out of breath but relieved to have found Horace.

"There you are you naughty dog, why did you run away from me?" She said expecting Horace to say, "Well I was bored walking round a field, I wanted to crap in some ones front garden for a change," but no he still sat there and dribbled profusely.

"I'm so sorry you got lumbered with him he just took off from me, I hope he hasn't been any trouble?" "No he's been fine no trouble at all, are you Horace?" I replied, patting Horace on his rather large head. ...

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