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A really fun card game!this story is part of the FanClub (fm:swingers, 1264 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Anonymous
Added: Nov 04 2006Views / Reads: 7955 / 6724 [85%]Part vote: 9.06 (16 votes)
We start out playing cards for fun, then start having fun while playing cards!

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I really like reading other people's accounts of what happened to them (either real or imagined) and I thought that you might enjoy reading about one of my experiences.

My wife and I try to go out with some friends of ours at least once a month. We normally go to eat and then hit a movie or find something else to do for fun. We've known Dick and Mary since high school and have been friends for more than 30 years. Dick was my wife's next door neighbor when she was growing up and ran around the neighborhood with him and the other kids on her block. Dick married Mary right out of high school, so neither of them had been with anyone else sexually.

My wife and I got married after college and we were both "experienced" with other lovers. We started visiting Dick and Mary shortly after we were married and our friendship has continued to grow, watching their kids and our kids grow up and move on. We've always flirted with each other, splitting the spouses when watching movies, etc. and getting kissed on New Year's Eve, so I guess what happened was not totally unexpected.

We went out to eat with the normal sexual innuendo going on and then decided to go back to their house to watch TV. We couldn't find anything decent to watch, so Mary suggested playing some Euchre. Dick and I challenged the girls and won a couple games in quick order. I said that I was getting bored and we should change games or switch ...

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