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A Weekend I will never forget (part 5)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:pregnant, 1237 words) [5/6] show all parts

Author: Marguerite
Added: Nov 23 2006Views / Reads: 1717 / 1391 [81%]Part vote: 9.08 (12 votes)
My husband and have started out for a baby, yet a harmless fantasy of me having unprotected sex with a stranger took things in a very different direction. In part five, I wake up from my night of unprotected passion and find my lover has a surprise for me

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When I woke up, it was still dark and it took me a moment to get my bearings. André was not in bed. For a second I thought I had just had a wild and erotic dream, yet the sticky feeling between my legs told me otherwise. I had been thoroughly fucked by a stranger and was probably carrying the early beginnings of his baby inside of me.

I looked around the room and could not find him. So that was it, he had left. Maybe for the better. While I had agreed with Geoffrey about coming to Paris and allowing myself to be impregnated, taking a black lover was way beyond anything we had ever discussed. And with the promises and pledges I had willingly made, who knew what else would come.

Yet if I was honest with myself it was also the sweet guilt of going outside the boundaries we had discussed which was the greatest turn-on. As long as I did what Geoffrey and I had spoken about, in a way I was still being a good girl (even while being bad). Going beyond our original conversations, made me feel truly wicked. And after all, I had asked him before I left whether he was OK with all of this and his answer had been "what ever you do in Paris, I will always love you and our future baby".

So as I was lying there, looking at the dark ceiling, the images of being taken in front of the camera and then riding what I had fondly called "my stud" flooded my mind. And while I relived the moment, my ...

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