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Gotta Keep This Jobthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:sex at work, 1683 words)

Author: habu
Added: Dec 15 2006Views / Reads: 1750 / 1559 [89%]Story vote: 9.00 (3 votes)
Playing doctor with the boss

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I had been summoned to the medical suite at my office at the end of the Friday dayshift of my second week on the job, and I showed up with a great sense of trepidation. It had been hard finding this job, and I just had to keep it. But I'd scored [censored] for a short time when I'd been in college, and I knew this company had a strict drug policy. I hoped that they hadn't found out about that—or that they wouldn't find out about it in this surprise appointment.

"Come in here, take off all your clothes, and sit up on that table," a perky young nurse told me. "The doctor will be in to see you in a minute."

"Take off all my clothes?" I asked dubiously.

"Yes. Don't worry. I go off shift now. It will be just you and the doctor."

"Great," I thought, as I followed her direction. I didn't know why I felt self-conscious. I was in great shape and wouldn't have minded the cute little nurse knowing just how great shape I was in and how well-hung I was.

But I was in shock when the doctor walked in. It was Larry, my boss, the owner of the company.


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