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The Love of a Copthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:romantic, 7268 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: Theo
Added: Dec 20 2006Views / Reads: 2925 / 2219 [76%]Part vote: 10.00 (2 votes)
This story is about a rough cop (Theo) Who voluenteers to take in another man (David) when his apartment burns down, Not accidentally! They learn to build and explore thier relationship but can it withstand todays life?

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Title: The Love Of A Cop Author: Theo Date: Nov.4 2006

Regular disclaimers apply, must be over 18 or legal age depending on where you live and do not copyright. This is my first attempt at a story and will not be my last any feedback is more then welcome. Send any suggestions to lbwbb12@hotmail.com Ty.


The gym is a great place to relax and work out your problems as far as I'm concerned, running on a treadmill for miles just seems to make me forget any problems or pain until after I'm done then it all rushes back. Of course that's why after a good workout the only place to go is the hot-tub which for my luck was empty by the time I was done with everything else.

The hot soothing water just worked out all my aching muscles until I was in bliss. But of course it can only last so long, a young man slipped into the tub with me, directly across from me, just as I was hoping he would just relax and not try to start any weird small talk, he did. "So you come here a lot?" I simply replied often enough to keep myself in shape, I don't need any gut. I closed my eyes slightly and slipped down more, he moved around to my right and asked if my girlfriend appreciates how much work I must put into my body, I said that I did not have anyone special in my life then as he perked up a little he ...

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