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Camping with George Part Twothis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 4683 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: meatmywife Picture in profile
Added: Dec 22 2006Views / Reads: 2089 / 1512 [72%]Part vote: 8.17 (6 votes)
The weekend with George continues as Jolene loves to fuck...

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As you know we finished Friday evening with our friend George fucking my wife's tight little ass. I crawled in bed next to Jolene as she slid out from under our friend and George went to get a washcloth for her. My wife and I were kissing when George returned and laid down on her other side. As my wife lifted her hips George slowly cleaned his cum from around her ass and then massaged her pussy with the warm cloth. Jolene was in a state of being well fucked as the three of us talked about the evening, about our friendship and about how much George's wife Rose was a bitch and we were actually glad she wasn't here. After all if she had been with George we would not have ended up in bed together, fucking and sucking. The night ended with the three of us falling asleep naked, lying next to each other in the small queen sized RV bed.

Saturday morning came too soon and I slipped out of bed and into my shorts to take a piss, choosing to use the campsite restroom instead of making noise in the RV. I shouldn't have worried about the noise because as I quietly stepped back into the RV I could feel the RV moving to the unmistakable rhythm of fucking and could hear George calling my wife's name and telling her to fuck him over and over again. As I entered the small bedroom my wife was riding our friend's cock as he pumped her up and down with a death lock on her hips. Jolene was gripping his chest with her fingernails as they came together in front of me. From where I stood I could see cum oozing from my wife's well-fucked pussy, sliding down our friend's hard cock and onto his ...

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