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Whore for a Nightthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 2676 words)

Author: Larry and Laura
Added: Oct 03 2000Views / Reads: 9286 / 8102 [87%]Story vote: 8.42 (12 votes)
When a businessman can't find a call girl for his best customer, he asks his wife to help out.

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By Larry and Laura

I was in a bind and couldn't think of a way out. The little company that I had set up to manufacture my invention had struggled for three years and was just beginning to turn a profit. Jack Wagner, my biggest distributor, was coming for his annual visit and the size of his order could make me or break me. Jack's business accounted for more than half of my sales. Even though he was a married man, he liked to have a good time when he was on the road. I had provided him with high-class call girls on his previous two visits. He expected another girl this time, too, but I didn't have one for him.

The Madam who had supplied the other girls was currently residing at the State Prison for Women. I didn't know any others or even how to contact someone. They didn't have a listing for "whores" in the Yellow Pages. I couldn't go out and pick up some trashy streetwalker. Jack would never settle for anything but high-class stuff. His preference was for beautiful blonde showgirls with big tits and long legs.

When I have a problem, I always discuss it with my beautiful wife Laura. She calms me down and usually helps me find a solution. Blessed with enough common sense for two people, she has bailed me out more than once. "Hi, baby, Jack Wagner is flying in tomorrow," I said into the ...

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