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The Hotel Clerkthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:masturbation, 4787 words) [1/9] show all parts

Author: jeff501
Added: Oct 04 2000Views / Reads: 7509 / 6697 [89%]Part vote: 10.00 (3 votes)
A man checks into a hotel and dreams about the female desk clerk. His dreams are realised when she pays him a visit one night. Mutual masturbation, slut, m/f.

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The hotel clerk (part 1)

I was not looking forward to a full week away from home in a far away city. Business was taking me there and my boss insisted that I would be the logical choice to attend. I resisted but finally agreed and packed my bags and headed for the airport. In order to save costs the company booked me for a full week including a Saturday night stay over even though the conference would end on Friday.

I left the airport and hailed a cab and instructed him to take me to the Radisson Airport Hotel. I payed him the fare and entered the hotel with my bags in tow. As I looked around I realised that being at an airport hotel without a rental car would make for very long evenings. If I wanted entertainment I would have to find it here or pay for a cab downtown and back again. As I entered the hotel my eyes immediately scanned for the front desk, a quick glance to the extreme left and I had spotted it. Behind the desk were two very attractive women, one was very tall with flowing red hair and a beautiful smile, the other was much shorter and blonde. For reasons that I cannot explain I was immediately drawn to the redhead. Even though the blonde was closer to me, and both were unoccupied, I instinctively walked to the redhead and presented my credit card and asked to check in. She greeted me with a very friendly 'Hi' and I smiled back at her. Within seconds I could already feel my eyes scanning up and down her long body. My eyes focussed on her long gorgeous red hair that flowed slightly over her ...

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