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Trip from Donner Summitthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:masturbation, 2021 words)

Author: Mr. Gingerbread
Added: Jan 05 2007Views / Reads: 2674 / 2192 [82%]Story vote: 9.00 (2 votes)
My wife initiates me into her world of making love to herself

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(Another story from my husband's hard-drive; true, I know—I was there. Gingerbread.)

By Mr. Gingerbread

(all rights reserved)

We had been on a several-day trip, all pleasure, from southern California, to visit friends in Mission San Jose and Donner Summit. Now we were on a late night drive through the mountains, out onto the plains and back to our home in Pomona. Just my wife Beth and I—the kids being baby-sat by her mother. A vacation trip is supposed to rejuvenate you. Instead it has tired us out. Long conversations with friends of old with whom we now have little in common, too many late nights, too much booze and no private sleeping accommodations, ergo: no making love. A soon as we got moving, my wife pushed her seat back and stretched out. "God," she said, "I've been horny the whole week and no place to even do it to myself. And tomorrow, we'll be back with the kids, and behind in our work."

"Too bad we can't lay-over somewhere, but I have to be back at work in the morning, Honey," I reminded her.


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