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Percy Rotter & the House of Femina, Chapter Fifteenthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:sci-fi/fantasy, 2096 words) [15/17] show all parts

Author: Janet1950
Added: Feb 11 2007Views / Reads: 227 / 173 [76%]Part vote: 9.33 (3 votes)
Percy meets the mysterious female student...as foretold...

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Being lathered up and washed by his three bedroom-mates took Percy Rotter's mind off the wayward broomstick that'd just given him quite a scare---and quite a reaming, too. The cluster-fuck that followed also helped, but as each of the four young men retired for a post-orgasm nap in their group bedroom within the House of Femina at genital Warts College of Witchery, Percy's mind went back to wondering about the curse.

He first heard from a professor's premonitions that a female student, as new to the college as he was, would enter his life during week one. Then a buzzard-like Cockadore visited and gave him a partial warning about a curse. The validity of the Cockadore's role in bearing messages of doom was confirmed by Fuzznutz, a giant under the employ of the college. And then the four broomsticks that arrived for he and his bedroom-mates, with only his going berserk. Maybe it all was connected or maybe not. And the girl he'd heard about, well, he saw her out of his window the other day. Was she stalking him? Was she involved in the curse? Did Ms.Uterina, the ESP teacher (with the "S" standing for "sexual)" mention that the girl who'd "make a play for him" would use a curse? He really had been through so much in the first few days at school that he couldn't recall...

Percy decided to use the second half of the "free day" to stroll through the college and see if he could spot, and learn more about, the mysterious girl. His neighbors fast asleep, Percy donned his pink ...

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