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Verdanna's Diary - part 8this story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 1301 words) [8/9] show all parts

Author: Autumn Seave Picture in profile
Added: Feb 11 2007Views / Reads: 1375 / 1136 [83%]Part vote: 9.00 (3 votes)
Somehow, I needed to get these thoughts out of my head....And that’s how I ended up watching Jill suck on long hard cock while I ate her pussy as someone else thrusted their cock in and out of my cunt

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Julio keeps flitting through my mind. I have to admit, I don't really know why. It's not like we had an actual relationship but I was beginning to feel like there was something between us. I guess it wasn't so much Julio in my mind as the idea of a consistent someone. I know I was totally getting carried away but all of a sudden I was daydreaming about walks on the beach at sunrise, holding hands with someone special...which of course, because this is my daydream, led to me on all fours behind a sand dune with him thrusting his cock into my wet pussy. I imagined waking up on a Sunday morning with the same warm body beside me that had been there last Sunday and the Sunday before. And that just didn't fit into my plans. Somehow, I needed to get these thoughts out of my head.

And that's how I ended up watching Jill suck on long hard cock while I ate her pussy as someone else thrusted their cock in and out of my cunt.

We found this beachside club to hang out at that had a nice mix of people - about one third tourist, one third locals, and one third artists and musicians It had some really good dance vibes, good prices, and it was right on the beach. What could be better?

Last night we met these three guys who started buying us drinks. Kevin and Chris were both Americans, but Jeff was Australian and had these fabulous blue eyes and of course, that accent that turned all women to ...

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