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Good Morningthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1989 words)

Author: DonnyM
Added: Feb 15 2007Views / Reads: 6053 / 5248 [87%]Story vote: 9.17 (23 votes)
Wife's friend helps to get the morning started right.

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The Christmas holiday of 2006 leaves a memory I won't soon forget. My wife Ellen invited one of her college roommates to spend the holidays with us. Ellen and Tammy graduated 5 years ago and only got to see each other once or twice a year. Tammy had never stayed with us before but we had recently moved into a 4-bedroom house and we had plenty of room.

Tammy arrived Friday afternoon and the 3 of us went out for a nice dinner and several drinks. When we got home around 11, Tammy said that she was tired and went straight to bed. Ellen and I retired to our bedroom. I climbed into bed and started to read my current novel while Ellen went through her nightly ritual in the master bathroom. When she came back into the bedroom I looked up expecting to see her familiar cotton pajamas but there was Ellen stark naked with a devilish grin on her face.

"I need to FUCK", she purred.

Ellen is certainly no prude but this was a little unusual. I guessed that the margaritas had hit her a harder than I had realized. Over the next hour or so we had great sex, with Ellen showing much more enthusiasm than a normal Friday night. A couple of times I reminded her that Tammy was just down the hall and that we should try to be quiet. My reminders didn't seem to dampen her spirits and actually seemed to inspire her. ...

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