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Author: Raingirl Picture in profile
Added: Feb 16 2007Views / Reads: 10752 / 9761 [91%]Part vote: 9.28 (32 votes)
I meet a handsome young man at my new job who taunts me to flash him during work. I guess i was horny enough to try it.

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Hi, My name is Mary and I'm 34 years old, married to my high school sweetheart and have no children. It's not that we didn't try to have a family, but George's sperm count was way below what it should be and we never wanted to go the adoption route. After realizing that having a family wasn't going to be in our future, we were content with being on our own and enjoying each other's company.

Then, when George got hurt on weekend playing soccer, it really tweaked his back and he was unable to continue his job at the lumber mill and was reduced to working entry level jobs that were about 1/3rd the pay he was getting. To keep from loosing the house, I got a job at a telemarketer in a downtown office. It wasn't my dream job by any means, but it turned out that I was pretty good at it and my pay was based on the amount of additional products and services I could talk people into buying.

The day I started work, there was another employee that was starting that same day. His name was Brian and he was 22 years old, 6'1" tall, 180 pounds with dark brown hair and brown eyes. He was an extremely friendly fellow and it turned out that the supervisor put the two of us in cubicles on either side of a woman named Edna. Edna was probably 64 years old with poor hearing and a stooped over posture. She was friendly enough and Brian and I could ask her questions and pointers during those first tentative days until we felt more comfortable on our own. I also found out that many of the people working on the floor ...

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